Scientific societies and science academies will join the colleges and universities students worldwide and upend science.
A scientific revolution is INEVITABLE because of four strong reasons:
1) All three conditions are met. The three key steps to overthrow and replace any accepted scientific theory are:
a) Reproduce the successes of the presently accepted theory.
b) Explain what it cannot.
c) Make new predictions that differ and can be tested.
2) Physics and cosmology are both in crisis due to wrong notion about the shape, size and workings of the universe.
3) Science rests on faulty Math. Luckily, the mistakes are so easy to comprehend that even the common people can easily understand what is wrong. A baker can understand, and so can butchers or cobblers.
4) Einstein was wrong. His concept of four dimensional SpaceTime continuum is the biggest mistake in science. Time itself is not the fourth dimension, but emerges due to motion along fourth space dimension.
University and college students are NOT fools. They ask serious questions like:
1) If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
2) How can time be the fourth dimension, when time does not have the unit of meter or mile or yard?
3) How can the center of the universe be located everywhere?
4) Isn’t the discovery of all-pervading Higg’s field a tight slap to Einstein’s rejection of ether?
5) How can Einstein’s denial of any preferred frame of reference be valid, when the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) provides a preferred, universal frame of reference?
6) If imaginary numbers do not exist, then why should the physical universe require it everywhere to explain reality?
They get illogical, nonsense answers, which makes them realize that scientists are very wrong. Scientists have stopped listening to nature long ago. Time is ripe for a major scientific revolution, and it will be college and university students who will lead the science revolution. The university or college that will be the first to lead the scientific revolution shall secure a permanent place for itself in world history. Victory is certain for students, because this is what the media reports: 1) Nobel laureate says physics is in need of a revolution (WIRED; Peter Byrne) 2) The four puzzles that tell us a cosmological revolution is coming (NewScientist; Dan Hooper) 3) Why a Physics Revolution Might Be on Its Way: Physics may be turned on its head soon (Live Science; Kelly Dickerson)
The Bangladesh universities students have recently demonstrated what the students are capable of. They toppled the government and forced the powerful, armed military to surrender. FORBES carried the headline “Believe it or not: Bangladesh’s revolution was entirely student-led”. Now students worldwide will achieve an even bigger feat, by rescuing science from present crisis through a full-fledged scientific revolution. It is students, having revolution in their blood who can achieve this immense feat.
A scientific revolution is imminent and unstoppable. No one can stop a revolution whose time has come.
Mr. Joseph T. Kurien (a former Cochin University graduate) is an independent researcher and a part-time science writer. He presently works in Manappuram software and consultancy.
Company Name – Manappuram software and consultancy
Contact Person – Joseph T. Kurien
Email – thanu.joseph.kurien@gmail.com
Country – India (Kerala)