IELTS is taken by over 1.5 million people worldwide each year and is recognized for entry to universities and immigration purposes. It measures your ability to use and understand English in your daily life. Government-run immigration authorities, higher education institutions, professional bodies, and business organizations to assess the English language proficiency of candidates use IELTS. There are many reasons to Study IELTS (เรียน IELTS, which is the term in Thai).
IELTS is a standardized test (Certificate of English Language Proficiency) accepted by most English-speaking countries for admission to higher education and authentication for immigration purposes. IELTS is suitable for candidates of all levels and is taken by a wide range of institutions and organizations, including academic institutions, professional associations, government agencies, immigration authorities, and employers.
If you have dreamed of pursuing studies abroad, IELTS can help you to get closer to it. It contains only reading, writing, listening, and speaking. There are many institutions available to Teach IELTS (สอน IELTS, term in Thai). Before starting your preparation, know its perks. It acts as a dose of motivation for you.
Find Your Standard
Take the IELTS test to prove your English level. The IELTS test will help you to find out if you need to learn, improve or practice English; understand what level of English is required for where you want to study or work; and take action to reach your goals.
Place At Your Dream
Whether you are working abroad or seeking a promotion in the United States, your language proficiency is essential. There are many ways to improve your communication skills, but to study IELTS is a gauge of how well you speak and write English.
For Immigration
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam provides you with a globally standardized test of your Listening, Reading, Writing, and speaking skills in English so that you can demonstrate your competence as a future citizen or resident of another country. Governments, higher education institutions, and employers recognize IELTS across the world.
The IELTS exam has proven academic and language validity than almost any other assessment. The IELTS exam is widely recognized by many of the world’s most extensive education, professional, and immigration agencies to assess a person’s readiness for further training or education. Many institutes Teach IELTS, make use of them and crack it.
Get More Credits
If you are thinking about studying abroad, earning points for a qualification, or just need a recognized qualification worldwide, you need to study IELTS. In addition, it’s accepted by many organizations worldwide, including many top universities.