The rate of college dropouts has been increasing at an alarming rate in the country, so don’t be surprised when you find out that your friends are also one of them. Studies conducted on college dropouts have revealed that 30{8cd15ecf37c816d20e19a5f8cc6ff5e371723d5b13f7ba174b21067a9837af76} of students drop out of their institutions after finishing the first year. It was also found that almost half of the students do not even complete their graduation.
No degree, huge debt
Usually, what you may call dropout seasons, are around Christmas breaks and summer vacations. These are the periods when people quit their colleges and schools. Research has shown that the rate of college graduation has been sluggish for about 30 years. That’s why the government has launched several schemes in order to encourage people to attend schools and colleges and complete their education.
In spite of the caliber of these schemes, people are still dropping out due to which they never graduate and get a decent degree. In addition, they are left with huge debt, which they are not able to pay.
Reasons for dropping out
Here are some common reasons for which people drop out of their colleges.
- Homesickness – Everything is new to them and hence the urge to see someone from home increases and so does the fear of not fitting in.
- Learning collapse – Students lose their desire to learn because of challenging programs, excessive amount of homework, tough schedules and other demands.
- Personal and financial issues – Sometimes, it could be a personal issue like an illness or the dire need of feeding the family and sometimes it could be lack of money.
- Another reason for dropping out is the wrong choice of major subject or that the institution cannot provide the type of knowledge that a student desires to have.
- In colleges, it is hard to get guidance or counseling like the way you got in high schools.
Other reasons include academic unpreparedness or probation, job demands, and unsuitable environment. Sometimes, it is inevitable to prevent dropping out of colleges or schools. However, you must look for alternatives like online degree programs or community colleges, if you really wish to complete your education.